Saturday, January 30, 2010


Commander Scorpion peered through the periscope and called for All-Ahead-Slow. As he gazed upon the home that he has missed for so very long he heard the bleep of an incoming message.

He called "Sender?" and a metallic response came back "Captain Hotshot".

With a deep sigh he left the periscope still up and turn on the viewer. Before him was his old friend who was excited about something. After hearing the oratory about an exciting new discovery that will make for a great adventure, Commander Scorpion took a deep breath and walked back for another look through the periscope.

Finally he called out orders: "Periscope down. All about and all ahead full warp!" In a flash they disappeared in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy. The only sign that they had been here was the trail of laughter and hoots of joy and expectation. -

Close scene and fade light and sound, and thus begins a new chapter in the exciting life and times of Captain Hotshot and Commander Scorpion – Galactic Heroes


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