Saturday, January 30, 2010


Upon further examination of the wreckage of the Redemption by Starfleet Command, one additional bit of evidence was found. The only personal item on the ship to indicate a connection between our vaunted heroes and what may have happened. Apparently Captain Hotshothad configured Holodeck Nine for a celebration of Commander Scopion's birthday. Pinned to the holodeck bulletin board was the followng letter...


Dear Commander Scorpion,

Happy belated Birthday Wishes!! Sorry I forgot, but there was this lighthouse see... So naturally I had to stop and look at it. Unfortunately I looked at it so long that the light keepers turned out the light and I got lost in the dark and cold winter night and then of course, there was a big storm with lightning and thunder and I got scared and ran into the side of the building next door which turned out to be a firehouse, well you could tell it was a firehouse because it was on fire...

Anyway, I finally found my way back to the car only to find that the car wasn't there but after searching around a bit I realized that the car wasn't there because I had walked over to the lighthouse from the ferry which was leaving the dock with my car on it but my wife was in it so that was okay until I talked to the flight attendant and found out that I wasn't at the ferry dock but at the airport which really started to confuse me - you know how easy that happens, I mean, just last summer I stopped off at your place for a brief visit and confused the issue of whether chickens with wings that can't fly are turkeys or buzzards. Now that was really confusing.

It got so bad I had to stuff the doormouse back into the teapot and put the lid on it. Now that doesn't sound so confusing until you realize what the doormouse said... no, no it wasn't "...feed your your head", that was Grace Slick and Jefferson Airplane. What the doormouse said was

Twinkle, twinkle little bat,
How I wonder where you're at.
Like a tea tray in the sky,
Your birthday will come by and by.

In the mean time, to quote the Mad Hatter and March Hare,

A very merry un-birthday to you!!!

After all, you only get one birthday a year but that means you can have 364 un-birthdays, so make a wish, blow out the candles and put another log on the fire - Santa Claus is coming to town!!

Love & Hugs to a very special friend,

Captain Hotshot


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