Monday, December 08, 2008

CHAPTER 15 (Letter from Commander Scorpion to Captain Hotshot)

Captain Hotshot,

So okay, I don't know what I'm talking about. But you've got to stop forcing those Kirilian Smashers on me, as an ordourve (sp) they are sure tasty but they tickle going down. I thought one bite was supposed to stop their legs from kicking. When it looks like a two inch millipede, there's a lot of legs to tickle with. And that beer, Grand Teton Bold. Yechhhh!! I've had better skunk piss. In fact, so have you. Remember the time we were on the moons of Fzzxypthhharadog for the blrthybag tour? Wow! Now that was really something.

We had a great 4th. I brought out the old Shriven Scout and we took a drive through the Hectigol Highlands. Those rugged spires of mirrored lucinthicol are always inspiring. The luminous rainbows under several of those moons it breathtaking. I know, we've seen it many times, but ... well ... it brings back fond memories of when we would bemuse ourselves tracking the fur fish. Some of those beauties really were beautiful! Not to mention seductive (I didn't mention that). I digress.

Afterwards, we wanted to go to the big holozone in Adaven Sagev Sal. I know, they even write backwards. Alas, due to the holiday, the holozone was sold out. Consequently, we invoked "Plan B". We went to dinner at a quaint turn of the prior century eatery (called restaurants). This one was aptly named "Acapulco". The food was surprising good! We had some mystery fish with a butter wine sauce. Aaaahh ! Life is good. But, (a knot in my throat) I miss ya pal. We always have fun bedazzling eavesdroppers with our tales (or is it tails?). Well, the subliminal sleep incantations in this baroque-reggae music I have on is beginning to take effect.

As always

Yer bud


Editors note: Both chapter 14 and chapter 15 were found in a timeless capsule posted on Minimus four, the thirtysecond moon of the Priligmat System. The capsule was found somewhat by chance as Minimus Four, the Postal Zone for that section of the Kiryllian Galaxy, was being decommissioned. One of the Minimusians was cleaning out the dead letter section and found the capsule. Thinking it might be important, he/she/it forwarded the capsule to Glactic Patrol HQ on Dracma Servius. When opened and found to be trivial communications between two of their more outstanding officers - cough, cough, the missives were sent on to the histerical section for posting.

p.s. On further reflection, Admiral Kleindingst (who was the forwarder of the missives to the histerical section started to wonder where Captain Dolan had got to. After doing a little research he found the Captain "Hotshot" hadn't gone anywhere. Commander "Scorpion" had been on a deep cover mission on holodeck nine and got trapped in a timelees loop, thus the timeless capsule.

p.p.s. On further investigation the Admiral determined that "Scorpy" eventually found his way out of the loop and re-entered real time so he could mark time while making time before doing time and time again.

And then a voice was heard to say, "Cut, cut, cut. It's a wrap."


Blogger Don and Diane said...

"Cut" and "wrap" sounds suspiciously like Christmas puns ... hrrrmm. ;]

8:54 AM  

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